Kani Barazan, Soldouz and Boukan Wetlands’ trip report- May 23rd to 26th, 2019
Kani Barazan, Soldouz and Boukan Wetlands’ trip report- May 23rd to 26th, 2019
The first day:
We were supposed to leave Tehran on Thursday May 23rd at 9 PM to go to Mahabad. We all gathered at the Tehran’s West Bus Terminal around 9 o’clock and we left Tehran hoping to see beautiful birds. Two of the group members joined us in Karaj and we spent the night on the bus.
The second day:
We arrived at the Mahabad bus terminal at 7 AM on Friday May 24th and after a short break we departed to Kani Barazan Wetland on a pre-booked minibus. To avoid waste of time, we had the breakfast on the minibus. The birding started right after. Seeing a White Stork was a great start. Besides, everyone was delighted to see a Little Owl sitting on a rock, soon after we entered the wetland road. We arrived at Kani Barazan Wetland around 9 AM and we left our backpack on the minibus and started to look for the Bearded Reedling with our telescope and binoculars at the wetland’s birdwatching site.
We observed many species such as Great Reed Warbler, Eurasian Coot and White-headed Duck and finally, after some exploring we could see the Bearded Reedling.
We returned to the birdwatching building after one or two hours of walk and continued to watch the birds from the porch.
We could observe different kinds of ducks such as Red-crested Pochard, White-headed Duck and the interesting species of Marbled Duck.
After having lunch and resting, we passed through the Kani Barazan and Garous wetlands, the Mahabad River and Khowr Khowre village by the minibus.
En route, we stopped whenever we saw the birds and we watched them and took pictures rather from inside the minibus or from outside. Everyone was amazed of seeing the Eurasian Eagle-Owl, the biggest owl in Iran.
We explored along this path until about 7 PM and then we went to the historic village of Hasanlu in the city of Naghdah to spend the night at Qarapapaq Ecolodge.
We arrived at the ecolodge around the sunset and after eating the famous Hasanlu ice cream, we went to the accommodation and had a very delicious traditional dinner. Then, we reviewed our birds’ checklists and went over the identification tips.
Bird checklist of Kani Barazan Wetland:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Ferruginous Duck | Aythya nyroca |
2 | Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina |
3 | Common Pochard | Aythya ferina |
4 | Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |
5 | White-headed Duck | Oxyura leucocephala |
6 | Marbled Duck | Marmaronetta angustirostris |
7 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
8 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
9 | Common Swift | Apus apus |
10 | Pygmy Cormorant | Microcarbo (Phalacrocorax) pygmeus |
11 | Little Bittern | Ixobrychus minutus |
12 | White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus |
13 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |
14 | Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia |
15 | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
16 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
17 | Common Shelduck | Tadorna tadorna |
18 | Little Owl | Athene noctua |
19 | Bearded Reedling | Panurus biarmicus |
20 | Crested Lark | Galerida cristata |
21 | Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina |
22 | Sand Martin | Riparia riparia |
23 | Eurasian Coot | Fulica atra |
24 | Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus |
25 | Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea |
26 | Squacco Heron | Ardeola ralloides |
27 | Common Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus |
28 | White Wagtail | Motacilla alba |
29 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |
30 | European Bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
31 | European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
32 | Moustached Warbler | Acrocephalus melanopogon |
33 | Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris |
34 | Savi's Warbler | Locustella luscinioides |
35 | Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
36 | Eurasian Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
37 | Western Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
38 | Armenian Gull | Larus armenicus |
39 | Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus (Larus) ridibundus |
40 | Egyptian Vulture | Neophron percnopterus |
41 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus |
42 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
43 | Black-necked Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis |
44 | Hooded Crow | Corvus cornix |
45 | Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
46 | Common Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus |
47 | Western Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
48 | Spanish Sparrow | Passer hispaniolensis |
49 | White Stork | Ciconia ciconia |
50 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
Bird checklist of the path from the Kani Barazan Wetland to Garous Wetland:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
2 | Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea |
3 | Western Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
4 | Squacco Heron | Ardeola ralloides |
5 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax |
6 | Eurasian Bittern | Botaurus stellaris |
7 | Pygmy Cormorant | Microcarbo (Phalacrocorax) pygmeus |
8 | Common Shelduck | Tadorna tadorna |
9 | Marbled Duck | Marmaronetta angustirostris |
10 | Egyptian Vulture | Neophron percnopterus |
11 | Western Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
12 | Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus |
13 | Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus |
14 | Collared pratincole | Glareola pratincola |
15 | Northern Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus |
16 | Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus |
17 | Common Redshank | Tringa totanus |
18 | Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia |
19 | Wood sandpiper | Tringa glareola |
20 | Armenian Gull | Larus armenicus |
21 | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
22 | White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus |
23 | Rock Dove | Columba livia |
24 | Common Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus |
25 | Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Bubo bubo |
26 | Common Swift | Apus apus |
27 | Pied Kingfisher | Ceryle rudis |
28 | Persian (Blue-cheeked) Bee-eater | Merops persicus |
29 | European Bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
30 | European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
31 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
32 | Crested Lark | Galerida cristata |
33 | Western Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava |
34 | Marbled Duck | Marmaronetta angustirostris |
35 | Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin | Cercotrichas (Erythropygia) galactotes |
36 | Whinchat | Saxicola rubetra |
37 | Cetti's Warbler | Cettia cetti |
38 | Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
39 | Eastern Olivaceous Warbler | Iduna (Hippolais) pallida |
40 | Menetries's Warbler | Sylvia mystacea |
41 | Eastern Rock Nuthatch | Sitta tephronota |
42 | Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala |
43 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |
44 | Western Jackdaw | Coloeus (Corvus) monedula |
45 | Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
46 | Hooded Crow | Corvus cornix |
The third day:
On Saturday May 25th, we left the ecolodge in the morning to visit the Hasanlu dam and the Shurgol (Hasalnu) wetland, which used to be called Yumuro hill in the past. We were accompanied by a group of representatives of some environmental organizations, including Dr. Dilmaghani, Ms. Mahsa Maroufi, Ms. Somayeh Ebrahimi from Hamyarane Tabiate Naghade, Mr. Entekhabi from Dustdarane Tabiate Soldouz, Mr. Azra and Mr. Jafari, the organizations’ speaker who has worked hard to revive the wetlands in the region. We arrived at the Shurgol wetland around 8 AM and Mr. Jafari gave a short speech.
According to him, around 18 wetlands exist in this region, 11 of which are seasonal and the rest are permanent. The three wetlands, Hasanlu, Seyran Goli and Yadegarlu, are designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites). Unfortunately though, the Yadegarlu Wetland is dry now. In 2001, it was announced that the wetlands of the Naghadeh region were dry and there was no way to revive them. However, with the efforts of the environmental groups of the region and their uncompromising efforts on water management, we are witnessing now that the wetlands are in a good shape. Their work was criticized at a conference, arguing that given the condition of the Lake Urmia, why don’t they let the water pour into the lake instead of the wetlands. Generally speaking, in order to revive the lakes, we have to restore the wetlands first. The order in the nature is as follows: first springs, streams, rivers, wetlands and then lakes, seas and oceans. Mr. Jafari also explained that the name of the Solduz wetland consists of two words: Solu which means watery and duz which means plain, so Solduz stands for watery plain.
This group received the Grand National Award for the Environment in 2014.
Mr. Sirous Entekhabi, who has 60 years of experience in ecotourism and has worked hard on restoring wetlands, mentioned that there were 7 organizations in the region which were cooperating with each other to protect the environment of the region. He added that in the region there were 80 historical hills which add to its importance.
After listening to the members of the organizations, we started the birding at the Shurgol (Hasanlu) wetland.
Bird checklist of Shurgol (Hasanlu) Wetland:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Common Quail | Coturnix coturnix |
2 | Gadwall | Anas strepera |
3 | Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |
4 | Ferruginous Duck | Aythya nyroca |
5 | Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina |
6 | Common Pochard | Aythya ferina |
7 | White-headed Duck | Oxyura leucocephala |
8 | Black-necked Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis |
9 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
10 | Pygmy Cormorant | Microcarbo (Phalacrocorax) pygmeus |
11 | Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea |
12 | Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea |
13 | Western Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
14 | Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus |
15 | Eurasian Coot | Fulica atra |
16 | Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius |
17 | Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus (Larus) ridibundus |
18 | Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia |
19 | Common Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus |
20 | Common Swift | Apus apus |
21 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
22 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
23 | Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina |
24 | Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala |
25 | Corn Bunting | Emberiza (Miliaria) calandra |
One hour later, we went to the Hasanlu dam and continued the birdwatching. Then we went towards the Solduz wetland and on our way, we watched the birds, even in the dried Yadegarlu wetland. We could see the Eurasian Eagle Owl again.
Bird checklist of the path from the Yadegarlu Wetland to Solduz Wetland:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Common Buzzard | Buteo buteo |
2 | Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
3 | See-see Partridge | Ammoperdix griseogularis |
4 | Grey Partridge | Perdix perdix |
5 | Rock Dove (Rock Pigeon) | Columba livia |
6 | Eagle Owl | Bubo bubo |
7 | Common Swift | Apus apus |
8 | European Bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
9 | European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
10 | Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
11 | Short-toed Lark | Calandrella brachydactyla |
12 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
13 | Rufous Bush Robin | Cercotrichas galactotes |
14 | Finsches Wheatear | Oenanthe finschii |
15 | Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina |
16 | Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
17 | Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus |
18 | Magpie | Pica pica |
19 | Jackdaw | Corvus monedula |
20 | Hooded Crow | Corvus cornix |
There is a smaller wetland next to the Solduz wetland, which is called Dorna, where we could see the Bearded Reedling and took good pictures of this beautiful species.
Bird checklist of Dorna wetland:
English Name | Scientific Name | |
1 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus |
2 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
3 | Red-creasted Pochard | Netta rufina |
4 | Pochard | Aythya ferina |
5 | Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
6 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |
7 | Common Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus |
8 | Whinchat | Saxicola rubetra |
9 | Cettis Warbler | Cettia cetti |
10 | Moustached Warbler | Acrocephalus melanopogon |
11 | European Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
12 | Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
13 | Bearded Tit | Panurus biarmicus |
14 | Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus |
15 | Magpie | Pica pica |
16 | Hooded Crow | Corvus cornix |
After the Dorna wetland, we went to the other side of the Solduz wetland and watched the birds near the gazebo and on our way back.
Bird checklist of Solduz wetland:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus |
2 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
3 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
4 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax |
5 | Eurasian Bittern | Botaurus stellaris |
6 | Common Pochard | Aythya ferina |
7 | White-headed Duck | Oxyura leucocephala |
8 | Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina |
9 | Western Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
10 | Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus |
11 | Northern Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus |
12 | Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus |
13 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |
14 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
15 | Crested Lark | Galerida cristata |
16 | Western Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava |
17 | Whinchat | Saxicola rubetra |
18 | Bearded Reedling | Panurus biarmicus |
19 | Eurasian Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
20 | Common Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus |
21 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
22 | Common Starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
23 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |
We arrived at the ecolodge around 1 PM and had our lunch there. Around 6 PM we walked to the historical hill of Hasanlu, accompanied by Mr. Taghizade, owner of the ecolodge where we were staying. We visited the hill and its museum while Mr. Taghizade was giving us some information about them. A strong wind started to blow and after an hour and a half we went back to the ecolodge.
After the dinner, we reviewed our birds’ checklists and went over the identification tips.
Bird checklist of the historical hill of Hasanlu:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
2 | White Stork | Ciconia ciconia |
3 | European bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
4 | European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
5 | Common Swift | Apus apus |
6 | Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
7 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
8 | Laughing Dove | Spilopelia (Streptopelia) senegalensis |
9 | Eurasian Collared Dove | Streptopelia decaocto |
10 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |
11 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
The fourth day:
On Sunday May 26th, after having the breakfast, we left the accommodation around 7 AM to go to Sootav plain in order to see the Great Bustard, critically endangered bird in Iran. We arrived at 8:45 and along with a park warden’s car we entered Sootav plain. Just some minutes later, the park warden, Mr. Parvizifar stopped the car and showed us a Great Bustard. First we saw a male Great Bustard and after some minutes two females and three other males joined him. We really enjoyed watching them for about an hour.
Bird checklist of Sootav plain and Sahoolan Cave:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Northern Raven | Corvus corax |
2 | Great Bustard | Otis tarda |
3 | Calandra Lark | Melanocorypha calandra |
4 | Crested Lark | Galerida cristata |
5 | Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala |
6 | White Wagtail | Motacilla alba |
7 | Western Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava |
8 | Finsch's Wheatear | Oenanthe finschii |
9 | Rock Dove | Columba livia |
10 | Western Rock Nuthatch | Sitta neumayer |
11 | Corn Bunting | Emberiza (Miliaria) calandra |
12 | Common Starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
13 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
14 | Long-legged Buzzard | Buteo rufinus |
15 | Black Kite | Milvus migrans |
16 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |
17 | Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
18 | Hooded Crow | Corvus cornix |
19 | Common House Martin | Delichon urbicum |
20 | Eurasian Collared Dove | Streptopelia decaocto |
21 | European bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
22 | European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
Since our return ticket was for 9 PM, after seeing the Great Bustard we decided to go to the Sahoolan Natural National Monument Aquatic, near Bukan. There were a lot of Rock Doves in the cave where they breed too.
We left the cave around 1:40 PM and after having lunch, we reviewed our birds’ checklists. Then we went to the Ghare Gol wetland near Miandoab. We arrived there at 6 PM and observed the birds for an hour which was interesting because some species such as the Black-necked Grebe, Black-headed Gull and Whiskered Tern breed there.
Bird checklist of Ghare Gol Wetland:
English Name |
Scientific Name |
1 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
2 | Black-necked Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis |
3 | White Stork | Ciconia ciconia |
4 | Common Pochard | Aythya ferina |
5 | Common Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus |
6 | Eurasian Coot | Fulica atra |
7 | Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus |
8 | Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus (Larus) ridibundus |
9 | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
10 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |
11 | White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus |
12 | Rock Dove | Columba livia |
13 | Common Swift | Apus apus |
14 | European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
15 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |
16 | Crested Lark | Galerida cristata |
17 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
18 | Common Starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
19 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |
20 | Rook | Corvus frugilegus |
21 | Hooded Crow | Corvus cornix |
We arrived at Bukan’s Bus Terminal around 8:30 PM and left there with a lot of beautiful and memorable photos and memories.
Guide: Seyed Hamed Mousavi
Participants: Elnaz Esmailzadeh, Sahar Bouzari, Ardalan Bahrami, Nahal Hakimjavadi, Iman Karimi, Nadere Samimi, Sara Arab, Simin Mansouri, Babak Valizadeh, Parastoo Hedayatzadeh
Author: Sara Arab
Translator: Nahal Hakimjavadi